Tales of the Winter Wolf, Vol. Six Page 10
Kelly squealed and bounced on the couch, winking at me as she played her father like a violin. “Second Dad did what? Where did they go? When are they coming home? Are they going to have puppies? Is there going to be a wedding? Can we throw them a party at the lodge? When did they mate? Details, Dad! Spill everything.”
There was a long silence.
“Richard’s missing, Kelly. We have no idea where he is, and there’s something wrong.”
“I’m not sensing anything. Hold on, speaker phone. Mom? I have Dad on the phone. Is something wrong with Richard?”
Vivian massaged my throat. “I felt a brief sense of dismay. He probably stubbed a toe on something. You’re so sensitive to him, Frank. What’s going on? Can you fill us in from the top? I thought Desmond had Richard locked up for the week so he could coerce Lisa and Alex into visiting him?”
“He did. When we arrived, Richard was so high on wolfsbane I’m not sure he could see straight. He’s really thin, Vivi. He should be sleeping and eating.” Frank voiced a single, frustrated growl. “Instead, he’s flown the coop with Nicolina, who is still sick with ritual sickness.”
My mate’s mother laughed. “To be fair, Frank, she probably did order him to go. She was whispering something to him before they bolted for the Porsche.”
“Porsche?” Kelly shrieked. “There’s a Porsche? Second Dad got a Porsche? You mean we can light that Hyundai on fire and get it out of his garage?”
“You and your mother can return the damned thing to the dealership if you want,” Frank muttered. “No lighting it on fire.”
“It snowed. We’re actually stuck at the house unless we want to leave the car in the garage and take the snowmobiles. What was the forecast saying last check, Mom?”
“Only a meter, and it should melt within a week. It’s supposed to get warm in a couple of days.”
“Just great. So Richard’s missing, and now you two are stuck at his house?”
Vivian laughed. “It’s a nice place to be stuck. I don’t have winter tires on our car yet, dear. I’ll check Richard’s garage and see if he has a set of snow tires that’ll fit. If he does, I’ll swap them myself.”
“I can ask someone in the pack to go pull ours out of storage and bring them to you. Will you be okay there?”
“You’re joking, right? There’s a pool, a hot tub, and enough food here to feed an army. We’ll camp out in Richard’s bedroom and watch movies on his big television. Just remember something, dear.”
Frank sighed. “Remember what?”
“Richard’s not the type to run unless he wants someone chasing him. When he doesn’t want attention, he drives a crap car, keeps to himself, and disappears in plain sight. When he wants attention, he postures. Seems to me if he went with his little lady without putting up a fight, he probably wanted you all to prove just how much you want him around.” Vivian’s scent sweetened with her amusement. “Are you going to let one little Alpha and his mate give you the slip, Frank? Our puppy is going to miss her Second Dad if you can’t hunt him down and catch him. Chop, chop. Surely a half-starved Alpha and a puppy can’t escape such experienced hunters. Now, your puppy and I have a date in the hot tub, darling.”
“Bye, Dad. Have fun catching Second Dad,” Kelly chirped before hanging up. Frank’s mate and daughter dissolved into a fit of giggles.
“Frank’s going to be so mad at you both when he finds out you’ve played him.”
Vivian huffed. “That’s what he gets for withholding information.”
Vivian and Kelly treated me like glass, tiptoeing around and handling me with care so I wouldn’t shatter. While my wolf enjoyed their attention, their worry for my abused health and low weight bothered me. Fear-based concern would’ve been easier to bear.
I knew how to cope when I frightened people. As an Alpha, I had to keep an entire pack of volatile Fenerec under control, which meant displaying the promise of violence. Unlike other Alphas, my wolf and I had begun our lives submissive, which made it easier for me to tone down my aggression when necessary.
I was too tired and worn to posture, and my wolf had no scruples about submitting to Frank’s mate and daughter.
For the moment, my mate was safe, and I could lower my guard and rest, too.
I had no recollection of falling asleep, but I woke to my mate’s growls and her teeth on my throat. A headache brewed behind my eyes.
With far too much energy for someone who was supposed to be sick, Nicole rolled out of bed, headed for my dressers, and flung clothes at me. It didn’t take her long to find the stash of her old clothes, which fit her better than my clothes fit me.
“Get dressed. We need breakfast.” My mate waved her hand at the clothes strewn on the bed.
The wolfsbane forced me to obey, while my body protested every single movement required. Instead of my clothes, I staggered to the bathroom, tugged my robe off the hook, and wore it. “You’re feeling better?”
“I’m starving.”
Her hunger pleased my wolf, although his contentment didn’t last long under the influence of my headache. I took a moment to duck my head to her throat and nuzzle her, breathing in her scent, which was tinged with the annoyance I had missed and craved. “Then I shall feed you until you’re satisfied.”
If she was truly over the worst of the ritual sickness, I’d spend the entire day cooking, but it’d be a small price to pay. I yawned and headed for the kitchen to find Vivian and Kelly already hard at work.
The scent of coffee lured me straight to the pot.
“You look like hell, Richard,” Frank’s mate greeted.
I grunted at her, pulling down a pair of mugs from the cupboard. While my mate would drink coffee, especially if she was stealing mine, she preferred tea. I had gotten several kettles just for her, although her favorite whistled, and the sound drove me to the brink of insanity. It took me several long moments to remember where I had stashed the damned thing, but when I went to hunt it down, it wasn’t in its spot. Frowning, I stared at the empty space.
Vivian tugged at my sleeve. “The kettle is already on the stove, Richard. Go sit down before you fall down.”
“I haven’t had any coffee yet.”
“We can tell.” Frank’s mate frowned and pressed the back of her hand to my forehead. “You’re fevered. What else is wrong with you?”
“Ask me after I’ve had some coffee.”
“Richard, are you sick?” my mate demanded.
When Vivian took my mug out of my hand and growled at me, I retreated to my mate to reassure her, sliding onto the stool beside her at the island counter. Leaning my head against her shoulder, I sighed and closed my eyes. “Just a mild headache, Nicole. Nothing to worry about.”
“And a fever.”
I waved my hand in denial. “Nothing coffee can’t fix.”
My mate’s strengthening worry added a bitter taint to her scent. “It’s not the plague, is it?”
“No, Nicole. I don’t have the plague. I can’t catch the plague.”
Vivian sighed. “The pack’s clean of plague, so there’s nothing either one of you needs to worry about. If Richard develops more than a headache, we can take care of him. Our first order of business is to get you both fed. We’ll play the rest by ear.”
While my mate’s scent remained tinged with her worry, she replied, “Okay. What about my father?”
“What about him?”
“Won’t he come hunting for Richard?”
“For both of you,” Frank’s mate corrected. “Honestly, I don’t think it’ll take them very long to figure out you’re here. It’s not about Richard being hard to find—it’s all about them putting in the effort to find him. Fenerec are needy beasts, and the more dominant the male, the needier he is. It’ll work out. For now, you have one job, and that’s to eat as much as you can for the next few days. If you’re finally over the worst of the ritual sickness, your wolf is going to be hungry. I hope you like steak, bacon, and eggs. I just hope we have enough t
o deal with your appetite.”
Under normal circumstances, when I performed the ritual, the entire pack worked together to feed the newest members. Nicole devoured every last scrap of fresh food in the house without being satisfied and cleaned out an entire freezer. While my fever and headache remained, neither became severe enough to worry Vivian, and I was able to function enough to help with the task of keeping my mate’s stomach somewhat content.
“How can someone so damned tiny eat so much food?” Frank’s mate wailed, pounding her fist on my countertop. “At this rate, I’m going to have—”
The alarm system chimed, announcing someone with a master code had entered the house.
“Who the hell?” Vivian bared her teeth in a snarl and headed for the stairwell leading to the first floor.
“Mom’s cranky, Second Dad.”
“Were you just noticing this?”
“I’m just reaffirming the obvious, in case you hadn’t made the observation on your own, a possibility with your headache and fever. Who do you think it is?”
“It’s either Frank, Alex, or Lisa—or all of them. When do you think they figured it out? They haven’t called, have they? That chime’s for a master code,” I replied. Sliding off my stool, I headed for the coffee maker to pour myself another mug. From the drawer beneath it, I pulled out a pad of paper and a pen. “Think Tully will be up for some grocery shopping?”
“No, they haven’t called. As for Tully, I think he would enjoy coming over and putting you in your place,” Frank’s daughter muttered. “If he has to go grocery shopping to do so, he’ll view it as a necessary sacrifice.”
“The entire grocery store? That’s what we’re going to need to feed her.”
A low growl warned me of trouble, and Kelly squeaked. The slap of feet on the kitchen tile gave me all the warning I needed to stretch out my hand and intercept my brother by slapping my palm to his forehead and holding him at arm’s length while I continued working on a grocery list.
“Completely out.”
“That was the first to go.”
“Maybe I should recruit some others to help Tully.”
“Richard,” my brother growled.
Ignoring Alex would earn me a few bites later. My wolf rejoiced at my brother’s proximity. I sniffed the air. My nose informed me Desmond, Wendy, Lisa, and Frank were also nearby. “Nicole, any preferences for dinner?”
“Chocolate chip cookies.”
“And for dessert?”
“I’m tired of moose, Richard.”
I glanced in the direction of my twin stoves. If I worked the second-floor kitchen at the same time, I could make enough turkey to feed everyone—if I made enough side dishes to keep my mate’s appetite in check. “Turkey it is.”
Alex growled and leaned into my hand. “Richard, what do you think you’re doing?”
“I thought it was obvious. I’m making a shopping list. Any requests?”
My brother snapped his teeth at me. “You ran away.”
“Of course I ran away. Wolves are opportunists, and when my mate tells me we’re running away, I’m wise enough to listen—and take advantage of the opportunity provided.” I tapped my pen to the notepad. “I better plan for tomorrow, too. Are you tired of beef yet, Nicole?”
My mate’s growl drew my attention. Desmond had his arm wrapped around her with his nose pressed against her throat. While she struggled to fend her father off, he had a good hold on her.
“You ran away,” Desmond growled.
“I could have sworn I just went over this.”
“Thief.” Releasing my mate, Desmond’s gaze focused on me, and he stalked his way around the kitchen island. I stood my ground and growled.
“A moment before you put him in his place, Mr. Desmond?” Vivian murmured, sliding past the Inquisition’s enforcer to step between me and my brother, herding Alex back a few steps.
Desmond relaxed and favored Frank’s mate with a smile. “Of course, Vivian. What is it?”
“He’s sick, so don’t be too rough with him.”
With narrowed eyes, Desmond looked me over. “What’s wrong with you now?”
It was the wrong answer. My mate’s father hit me hard, and my wolf rose to the challenge despite my headache and lingering fever. I put up a fight, but I still lost.
At least I made him work for it, which I counted as a victory.
Desmond subdued me, and Frank, Alex, and Lisa took advantage of it to tear strips out of me for running away. I bared my teeth at their rebukes, but with my mate’s father holding me and my wolf back, my threats only served to encourage them.
When I refused to apologize for escaping with my mate, Frank started making phone calls. I howled my dismay.
Within four hours, the entire pack descended on my house.
Their arrival alarmed Nicole enough she stole my keys and locked herself in my office. I found her choice of my office as a safe haven encouraging, and I wished I could join her. If I could get her to let me in, it would take Alex at least half an hour to dig out the other set of keys from the master safe. The lost opportunity for time alone with my mate drew another snarl out of me, although I didn’t fight Desmond’s hold on the back of my neck.
I drummed my fingers on the kitchen tile. “Let me up.”
“No. You’ll run away again.”
“Yes, I will. Right to my office so I can hide with my mate.”
“Thief,” Desmond muttered, and the sweetness of affection in his scent startled me.
“Richard!” Tully bellowed, storming down the hallway into my kitchen.
I tensed and sucked in a breath through clenched teeth.
Chuckling, Desmond rose and forced me to my feet, keeping a firm grip on my neck. “Ah, Tully. So nice to see you again. I recommend you drag this Alpha I captured down to the pool. It would make a most suitable place for everyone to have a turn half drowning him. It might help get his fever down, too. If you hold him hostage down there, I’m sure his mate will eventually come and rescue him. While you’re playing, I’ll need a few volunteers to get groceries. He conveniently made a list. Apparently, his mate believes it’s Christmas and wants a feast.”
“I can disable his codes so he can’t escape for a while,” my brother offered.
“Traitor,” I hissed.
“You shouldn’t have run away, then. I’ll go shopping with you, Desmond. Tully, think you can take charge of Richard?”
“He looks half dead. Should be easy. What do you want us to do with him?”
“Exercise him. Maybe that’ll get his appetite revived. He hasn’t eaten much.”
Vivian sighed, came to me, and kissed my cheek. My shameless wolf took over enough to lean into her touch. “Only because his mate’s eating everything in sight. He’s not going to eat anything until she’s had her fill, and she’s cleaned the place out. We’ll want to stage dinner at the lodge. It’ll be easier to cook enough for everyone there. I’ll come with you. He promised to make some cookies for Nicole, so we’ll need ingredients for those, too.”
Tully headed for the intercom on the wall and pressed the button to message the entire house. “I need some volunteers to go grocery shopping with Desmond and Vivian. We’re going to have dinner at the lodge. Draw lots; whoever stays get to help me deal with Richard. He needs exercised in the pool before we head to the lodge.”
“Guess I can’t have one of the lots, can I?” My brother wrinkled his nose.
“Forget it, Alex. You already had a turn with him. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he’s properly worn out so he can’t escape. What about his mate?” Tully took over holding the back of my neck from Desmond, jabbing me with his thumb hard enough I hissed.
Desmond laughed. “If she doesn’t find her way to the pool on her own, I’m sure Richard can either lure her out o
r get his spare keys. Just threaten to leave without her. That’ll get her on the move, although I don’t promise she won’t try to kill you for stealing her mate. Try not to let the runt escape. He’s slippery.”
My hope for rescue by my mate backfired when she joined the hunt for me. True to Alex’s threat, he locked the third floor down on a three hour timer, leaving me prey for my mate, Tully, his mate, and a handful of others in the pack. I doubted lots were drawn at all; all those who remained behind were people my mate liked. Some part of her still remembered them, and she relaxed her guard enough to appease my wolf’s worry.
Howling over her playful betrayal didn’t earn me even a scrap of pity.
An hour into the chase, my wolf sacrificed me for a chance to be closer to my mate, and she took fiendish delight in sinking her teeth into my throat. I went down hard, but a desperate grab from Tully kept me from cracking my head open on the floor.
Nicole sprawled over me and growled to warn away the rest of the pack. “Mine.”
I panted to catch my breath, my body tense beneath my mate. My wolf demanded my silence, and he focused his attention on Nicole and Tully.
If a fight was to break out between my mate and anyone in the pack, it’d be with him, who had a possessive streak a match for an Alpha’s.
Tully crouched beside us. “I’m not going to steal him from you. My mate would hang me out to dry, and my puppy and her mate would help. We would appreciate it if you let us borrow him from time to time. For some reason, we like having him around.”
My mate relaxed against me, resting her weight on my chest with her chin on my shoulder. “He’s bony. He’s supposed to be soft and muscular.”
“After we exercise him for a while longer, we’ll take him to the lodge and feed him properly. We’ll take better care of him, I promise. You’ve got to be hungry, too.”
My mate’s stomach gurgled a complaint, and she squeaked, drawing laughter from the rest of the pack. I yawned and relaxed on the cool concrete, my wolf pleased and content. Without his wariness spurring me on, I had no interest in anything other than enjoying Nicole’s warmth.